Mission, TX Car Insurance

The average monthly cost for car insurance in Mission is about $64. Learn more in our handy guide below.
Map of cities where drivers can find cheaper car insurance
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What should residents of Mission expect to pay for their car insurance? Compared to their surrounding area, how do rates in Mission stack up? What about against the rest of Texas? You can see the cost breakdowns and contributing factors in the charts and writeups below:

How much is car insurance in Mission?

Area Average Monthly Car Insurance Premium
United States$80

Looking at the chart above, you can see that the average monthly price is about the same in Mission as it is in the rest of Texas.

When stacked up against the national average, the average monthly policy payment for Mission is more affordable. The average monthly payment for the United States as a whole is about $16 more expensive than in Mission.

Although these are the average rates for auto insurance in Mission, that doesn't mean it's exactly what you'll pay. There are a variety of factors that car insurance companies consider to determine how much to charge you to insure your vehicle. Your bill each month is calculated off of your age, gender, vehicle make and model, driving record, and in some cases, your credit score.

We've analyzed the average rate for Mission and broken down the different factors to help you understand what your monthly bill might look like. And if you're not sure if you're getting the cheapest rate, simply enter your ZIP Code below to learn more about rates in your area!

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Mission Car Insurance Rates by Age

Age Range Average Premium
Under 18Not Enough Data
45-54Not Enough Data

More time behind the wheel makes you a more experienced driver. That experience can turn into some real savings when it comes to auto insurance rates. In this case, 18-24-year-olds pay twice as much as someone who is at retirement age.

You can expect to see your monthly premium drop about once a decade or so. Mission drivers may see their rates begin to increase again once they hit retirement age.

Mission Car Insurance Rates by Gender

Gender Average

On average, female drivers pay slightly less than male drivers for car insurance. In Mission, this difference shakes out to about $7 per month. As illustrated in the table above, female drivers in the area pay about $60 on average, while male drivers pay around $67 each month.

Mission Auto Insurance Rates by Driving Record

Infractions Average Monthly Premium
1 Accident$94
Multiple Accidents$43
1 Ticket$106
Multiple Tickets$75

Your driving record can have a tremendous impact on your car insurance rates. Those with clean records will obviously pay much less than those with infractions. In Mission, a driving record with a single accident will usually get you a rate around $94 a month. On a similar note, drivers with one ticket on their record will be looking at a monthly rate of about $106 on average.

Accidents, tickets, and other driving infractions can really hurt your wallet. Remember, cheap car insurance rates are dependent on driving safely and keeping your record clean.

Mission Insurance Rates by Vehicle

Vehicle Age Average Monthly Premium
Less Than 1 Year$60
2-3 Years$75
4-5 Years$59
6-7 Years$71
8-10 Years$63
11-14 Years$67
15 Years or Older$56

The cheapest vehicles to insure in Mission are by and large SUVs, with each type typically costing about $57 per month.

Truck and van drivers will see rates of about $59, while the rates for car owners average out to about $69 a month.

The age of your vehicle can also affect your monthly bill. Generally, newer vehicles are going to cost the most to insure. However, once your car is close to 5 years old you may start to see your rates drop back down a bit. The most expensive vehicles to insure in Mission are vehicles two-to -three years old.

Mission Car Insurance Rates by Relationship Status

Relationship Average Monthly Premium
Single (never married)$68

On average, car insurance is slightly cheaper for married policyholders. This usually boils down to owners having multiple vehicles on the same policy, something many companies offer special discounts for.

At a national level, single drivers usually pay more than married couples do for auto insurance. Mission follows that pattern, with the difference totaling to around $10 a month.

Mission Car Insurance Rates by Housing Situation

Housing Status Average Monthly Premium
Live with parents$87

Another factor taken into consideration is your living accommodations. Renters can expect to pay around $4 a month more than homeowners in Mission. But those who live at home with their parents can expect to pay significantly more.

Many companies, however, will offer you a discount to bundle your home or rental insurance with your auto insurance policy, which can help reduce your average costs.

Car Insurance Companies in Mission, TX

Car insurance rates are frequently changing, so it's in your best interest to understand which way your area is trending before choosing when and where to shop.

In Mission, car insurance rates rose from 2017-2018, when they hit a high of $68. This changed in 2019, when rates started to decrease. They reached a low of $59 in 2020, and finished at $63 in 2022.

How does Mission compare to neighboring areas?

Why are car insurance rates in Mission different from other areas?

There are a lot of factors car insurance companies take into consideration when choosing how much to charge for a monthly rate. While we mentioned the factors that affect your personal policy, others are based around where you call home. These include things like:

  • Road Safety (frequency of car accidents)
  • Off-street parking access
  • Number of drivers in the region
  • Local regulations
  • Rate of crime

A decent level of familiarity with these factors can be helpful when you're ready to purchase of a new policy or thinking about making a move. Realizing that different towns and cities will all have different rates, guides like these can be a good way to get a lay of the land of your corner of the world.

How can I find the cheapest car insurance in Mission?

Familiarizing yourself with patterns in the average costs of drivers like you will give you a leg up in conversations with insurance companies. Ultimately, the only way to know exactly what your rate will be is by requesting a quote from those car insurance companies.

But hold on! Compare.com does all of that work for you. Just put in your ZIP below, answer a few questions regarding the factors mentioned above, and you'll be comparing the cheapest quotes from a number of the car insurance companies providing plans in Mission.

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Mission Auto Insurance FAQs

What factors affect car insurance quotes in Mission?

Car insurance companies calculate quotes based on a wide array of factors. These include things like your gender and age, but also factors like your driving record, address, credit score, marital status, as well as your vehicle's year and make and model.

Why is the cost of car insurance in Mission different from other neighboring cities?

Things like local laws, crime rates, and parking situations, which are dependent on your address and area you live in, can significantly affect the cost of insurance relative to other cities.

Which car insurance company will offer me the cheapest rate in Mission?

Since the factors that go into calculating your monthly payment vary from person to person, there isn't one company that will always offer the cheapest rate to everybody. You can be confident that you're receiving the best price possible by using sites like Compare.com to compare multiple quotes at once.

Do I need to change my insurance if I move to Mission?

Whenever you relocate or experience another major life event, such as finding a new job or getting married, you should consider revisiting your current insurance policy. Using services like Compare.com to compare quotes from multiple companies at once is a great way to make sure you're getting the cheapest rate for your new location.

Do I need to wait for my policy to expire to switch to a different car insurance company?

No. Regardless of how much time is left on your current policy, you can switch companies at any time. So, whether you're considering moving to Mission or just curious if you're getting the best rates, why not take 10 minutes and see if Compare.com can save you some extra cash?

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